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5 Art Curation tips for Your Home

Original painting of blue wren

" Big Brother" an original oil painting shown in a home setting. Also available as beautiful wall art

As an artist, I understand the importance of creating art that blends in with the room. While selecting art for the interior décor may come as an afterthought for many, it simply shouldn’t be the case. When art and the interior are in harmony with each other, the result is always heart-warming, inviting, and wholesome. Simply speaking, rightly chosen art can positively influence the energy of your home and even elevate the quality of your life.

Here are my 5 tips for curating a collection of artworks that’s perfect for you and your home.

Get to know the Artist

One way to choose art and make it feel special is to get to know the artist. An artist puts their heart and soul into any work they create, so knowing an artist helps you understand the essence of their art and connect with it. If you can meet and greet the artist in person that’s great but you don’t have to. Most artists have an “About Me” section on their website, which you can look at. You could also connect with them on their different social media channels for an inside glimpse of their life e.g. you could connect with me on my Instagram, Facebook page or YouTube if they have a channel. Read their blog to get a better understanding of the way they feel and think or if you would like to get even deeper understanding, read the statements about their artwork, the story behind the work they create can tell a lot about them. Artists, including myself, always enjoy giving people insight into the meaning and inspiration behind a piece of art. Plus, this is wonderful for building a connection.

Love it? Get it before its gone

Original painting of horse portrait shown in home like setting

"Le Magnifique" an original oil painting shown in a home setting. Also available as beautiful wall art.

I think this is one of the most important points. If you fall in love with an original painting, get it while it’s there, for once it’s gone, it’s gone! Price factor is a common hindrance while investing in art, but always keep in mind that these aren’t mass-produced cheap quality works of art that you can expect to find at a home decor store. Each original artwork created by an artist tells a unique story and has hours of preparation and implementation work gone into it. On top of that there is an emotional and personal touch to each of these artworks which adds to the value of your investment. There are many people falling in love with the same original painting, so if you love an artwork, act on it quickly!

Commission an original painting

Let’s say unfortunately, someone else grabbed that painting you absolutely craved, or you did not find what you wanted but love a particular artists’ work, solution is simple – commission it! Commissioning an original piece of artwork can be a great way to get exactly what you want to complement your space. You can select the perfect size and topic to fit in with your home décor. It’s a total win win situation as you get what you want and you are supporting the artist you love. When selecting the artist for your commission work, make sure that they have experience in undertaking commissions. Another tip I’d like to add would be to not force the artist to stray away from their artwork style, this alone could be a recipe for disaster.

Pick art that suits your style

Getting art for your home is a long-term commitment. You will see it every day and it’s very important that you are happy with it. You need to feel proud whenever you walk past it. You don’t want to choose something because it saves you some money. What’s the point of having a piece of art that no one notices? Art is so expressive, its content, colour, and texture should match your taste. It needs to blend beautifully into or become the showstopper of your thoughtfully curated abode. So, my suggestion is, when curating art for your home, make sure you pick art that suits your style.

Select art based on your space

This tip works both ways. You can either design an entire space based on the artwork you are in love with or select artwork to suit the ambiance of the space you are designing. Either way, you will need to make sure that it complements each other and doesn’t look chaotic. It needs to evoke the right emotion.

One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by getting the colours from the painting to match the colours of your feature wall in the room, and then use that colour around the space e.g. cushion covers, small or large pots etc. This is where commissioned artworks come in very handy.

Original painting of pale headed rosella by Swapnil Nevgi fine art

Size of art is another important factor to consider when choosing art based on your space. I would suggest you leave some breathing space. Don’t buy art that will cover entire wall, leave enough empty space on all sides of the painting. A common mistake most people do when buying art is they select something that is too small for the room. That will end up being lost in your space irrespective of how good that art is. If you want to get a small artwork, make sure you get enough pieces to fill space wisely. Not too much, not too less!

I hope these tips helps you with your décor project. Having trouble visualising how one of my painting or print will look in your home? Send me the photo of your space and which painting you would like to see in it and I will place that painting in your space for you digitally. This might make it easier for you in curating the right painting for your space.

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out my original wildlife and nature paintings here. I also offer them in original size as limited-edition prints. Other sizes to suit your space are also available in my open edition prints. Did you know I also do landscape and nature photography? Check it out here.

Don’t see what might suit your space? Call me or send me an email so we can have a chat and see if I can be of help to you.

Want a custom made painting?

If you would like a similar wildlife or nature painting in a different size, colours etc, please feel free to use the below link to contact me. I would love to hear from you.


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